Friday, September 11, 2009

PSP 3000 vs Nintendo DSi

Here is a fight between these two gaming warriors to gain control over the territory. These warriors are better known as Nintendo DSi and PSP-300. So now lets wait and watch who wins the WAR.

Round 1 -Screen Size

Nintendo DSi -Two 3.25-inch displays

PSP-3000 -4.3-inch display

And the winner is - PSP3000

Round 2 -Screen Resolution

Nintendo DSi -256 x 192

PSP-3000 -480 x 272, 16m colors

And the winner is - PSP3000

Round 3 -CPU speed / type

Nintendo DSi -One 67 MHz (ARM) and one 33 MHz ARM7TDMI2

PSP-3000 -MIPS R4000-based; clocked from 1 to 333 MHz

And the winner is - PSP3000

Round 4 -Form Factor

Nintendo DSi -5.85 x 3.33 x 0.99 inches

PSP-3000 -6.7 x 2.9 x 0.9 inches

And the winner is-Nintendo DSi

Round 5 -Camera

Nintendo DSi -2 cameras, one with VGA resolution2 cameras, one with VGA resolution

PSP-3000 -Optional Go!Cam, 1.3 megapixels

And the winner is-Nintendo DSi

Round 6 -Memory

Nintendo DSi -SD slot, internal storage (unknown size)

PSP-3000 -Memory Stick (up to 16GB)

And the winner is -PSP3000

Round 7 -Internet

Nintendo DSi -Wi-Fi

PSP-3000 -Wi-Fi

And the winner is-Draw

Round 8 -Browser

Nintendo DSi -Yes

PSP-3000 -Yes

And the winner is-Draw

Round 9 -Online Store

Nintendo DSi -Yes (DSi Shop)

PSP-3000 -Yes (PS Store)

And the winner is-Draw

Round 10 -Touch Screen

Nintendo DSi -Yes (single touch)

PSP-3000 -No

And the winner is-Nintendo DSi

So now that the analysis is done on both the gaming machines the net result or the winner is undoubtedly PSP 3000 with superior graphics and the large variety of games and its user friendly. This is the ultimate portable gaming machine.

ITS PSP 3000


  1. mohak......nyce info dude ..ppl subscribe to him

  2. Thanks Mohit. Hope people benefit from it. Thats my aim and motive of this blog.
